walaupun gw belum pernah nyoba, tpi gapapa lah. tpi jangan salahin gw ya kalo gak manjur.
planet venus
day friday
element earth
trees peach, elder, cherry, apple
colour green
stones emerald, lapis lazuli, jade
incense or essential oils cardamom, geranium, rose, vanilla
herbs thyme, catnip wood sorrel, valerian
flowers daffodil, aster, columbine
(warna tulisannya sama kyk barang aslinya lho, gak penting bgt si gw)
use taurus energy for grounding, commitment, MONEY, gardening, and anything that's about SHEER ENJOYMENT !!
cukup about TAURUSnya, dan sekarang next to :
(money is very IMPORTANT to this earth sign)
you'll need :
a green candle
some almonds
a piece of paper
a green pen
some almond or patchouli oil (what the hell is patchouli?)
.: this spell is best with a waxing moon
first of all, light your candle and arrange your almonds around it. as you look at the flame, imagine clearly the arrival of the money (don't worry where it comes from) and what you will do with it. know that the money is on its way (see it slearly).
continue to visualise as you slowly eat the almonds. now take the paper and green pen and write yourself a check or the money, clearly stating it is for you, NOW. anoint this with a drop of almond or patchouli oil at each corner.
place the check safely in your purse or wallet until real money comes to take its place. not magically! the money may come from several soures.
ok, to be honest with, it's kinda spooky for me.
benernya masih ada satu spell lagi, yaitu COMMITMENT SPELL. tapi itu besok aja deh.
i know it's wrong, mmakanya gw gak pernah coba.
tpi buat yang nekat, selamat mencoba!