Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Here we are
On earth together
It's you and I
God has made us fall in love
It's true
I've really found
Someone like you

Will it stay
The love you feel for me
Will you say
That you will be by my side
To see me through
Until my life is through
Well in my mind
We can conquer the world
In love

I'm glad
At least in my life
I've found someone
That may not be here forever
To see me through
But I found strength in you
Cause in my mind
You will stay here always
In love 

You and I

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Part 2

here's the COMMITMENT SPELL i promised yesterday

you'll need 

a brown candle (dark green will do if you can't find brown)

some soil

a seed tray

a symbol of the thing which you are committing, for example a ring for a relationship, a key for a home

some small seeds

burn incense containing thyme, if you wish

light your candle. place the soil in the tray and bury your token under the surface. put your finger into the soil and feel its solidity and texture. affirm that you are "planting" your commitment in solid earth.

following the instructions on the packet, sow seeds-if possible with a waxing moon. if tthis is for a relationship, why nnot sow them in a heart shape? place the seeds somewhere dark to germinate and tend them carefully. relight the candle whenever you need a reminder. 

if the seeds don't grow? this shows you need more conviction. just try again-once more, with FEELING!

well, that's  it. 

anyway, i fell yesterday. i made a scar on my left knee, it hurts, it still does, but i feel grate. i don't even remember when was my last bobo. I FEEL ALIVE.. cause just so you know, i am getting fater everyday. i don't play basket ball everyday again, even tennis. i'm becoming a lazy person.
but all of this HAS TO STOP.

i have to find my way BACK TO THE WAY I WAS..

Tuesday, 16 December 2008


today i'm going to write about SPELLS..
walaupun gw belum pernah nyoba, tpi gapapa lah. tpi jangan salahin gw ya kalo gak manjur.


planet venus

day friday

element earth

trees peach, elder, cherry, apple

colour green

stones emerald, lapis lazuli, jade

incense or essential oils cardamom, geranium, rose, vanilla

herbs thyme, catnip wood sorrel, valerian

flowers daffodil, aster, columbine

(warna tulisannya sama kyk barang aslinya lho, gak penting bgt si gw)

use taurus energy for grounding, commitment, MONEY, gardening, and anything that's about SHEER ENJOYMENT !!

cukup about TAURUSnya, dan sekarang next to :


(money is very IMPORTANT to this earth sign)

you'll need :

a green candle

some almonds

a piece of paper

a green pen

some almond or patchouli oil (what the hell is patchouli?)

.: this spell is best with a waxing moon

first of all, light your candle and arrange your almonds around it. as you look at the flame, imagine clearly the arrival of the money (don't worry where it comes from) and what you will do with it. know that the money is on its way (see it slearly).

continue to visualise as you slowly eat the almonds. now take the paper and green pen and write yourself a check or the money, clearly stating it is for you, NOW. anoint this with a drop of almond or patchouli oil at each corner.

place the check safely in your purse or wallet until real money comes to take its place. not magically! the money may come from several soures. 


ok, to be honest with, it's kinda spooky for me. 
benernya masih ada satu spell lagi, yaitu COMMITMENT SPELL. tapi itu besok aja deh.
i know it's wrong, mmakanya gw gak pernah coba.

tpi buat yang nekat, selamat mencoba!   

Monday, 15 December 2008

DAY 352 (kalau gak salah)


hm.. so, I’m a newcomer in this bloging thing. benernya gw udah punya blog sih, tapi karena gw lupa passwordnya, jadi gw bikin lagi yang baru.

dengan bantuan Nn. Suha dapet deh namanya, tadinya bukan ini namanya. Nih listnya :
1 luminouslight
2 luminousfigure
3 luminousfigures

yang 1 udah ada yang punya
yang 2 dan 3 itu pertama-tama blom ada yang punya, trus gw nanya kan ke suha bagusan mana. dia blg
bagusan yang no 3. yaudah, gw nextin tuh, trus gak bisa not available katanya. gw masih bisa sabar tuh, trus yang 2, eh udh ada yang punyad lagi. Udh deh, gw marah-marah sendiri. cuma itungan detik padahal, ada ya orang yang pikirannya sama kayak gw. sedih bgt si..

yasudahlah, karena yang no 1 udh ada yang punya, gw tambahin ‘s’ deh. jadilah, luminouslights yang artinya lampu2 yang bercahaya atau menerangi di gelap. yup itu dia artinya.

yak, cukup untuk sejarah nama blog gw.

sekarang next to today’s event.

jadi, harusnya tadi gw sekolah. namun, karena tadi kesiangan bangun jam 6 pas. yaudah deh, apa daya. tapi, kemarin gw jadi panitia di EARTHFEST 2008. gw bersama Luthfi, Ithoh, Tamin, dan Cuta dipilih jadi panitia dari Indonesian Rainforest Movement (IRM). tugas kita itu, ngajak orang-orang yang dateng untuk ngecapin jempolnya dengan cat ijo trus tandatangan dan ngasi tulisan gitu di billboard gede.

acaranya kan mulai jam 3, kita disuruh dateng jam 2. tapi kita udah nyampe jam 1an lebih. datengnnya plus bowo, fuad, andros dan rezha tuh.

Sebetulnya supirnya luthfi gak bisa dateng hari itu, soalnya istrinya punya tumor segede kepala bayi di perutnya (kasian ya). yaudah, kita cuma di drop.

karena kita laper, kita mau jalan ke PS (plasa snayan). pokoknya entah gimana dan siapa yang led the way, kita salah jalan. benernya itu deket, tpi kita udh ke ujung atas dulu, trus baru tau kalo harusnya ke bawah. jadi kita balik lagi.

perjuangan bgt tuh bneran, lumayan jalannya jauh juga. bju gw sampe basah semua.

ya, lalu di sana kita makan. dan ketemu vita, nujul, suha, tari, kinan, dan dora ( yang belum kesebut maap ya).

hbs makan2, yauda balik lagi ke bawah. karena udh telat, udah mau jam 3 gw gak bisa mikir. Jadi gw ikutan jalan brg panitia2 itu plus fuad, andros dan bowo.

yaudah, trus kita ganti baju yang dikasi, yang super duper gede. sama dikasi pin ‘ASK ME’ dan ‘IRM CREW’.

lalu kita mulai kerja. pokoknya gini gitu, capek, iya si, tpi menyenangkan juga. akhirnya, gw pulang jam 8an sampe rumah jam 9.

ok kayaknya cukup buat hari ini.
panjang bgt ya, maaf ya. hhe..

dan jangan lupa..