Thursday 18 December 2008

Part 2

here's the COMMITMENT SPELL i promised yesterday

you'll need 

a brown candle (dark green will do if you can't find brown)

some soil

a seed tray

a symbol of the thing which you are committing, for example a ring for a relationship, a key for a home

some small seeds

burn incense containing thyme, if you wish

light your candle. place the soil in the tray and bury your token under the surface. put your finger into the soil and feel its solidity and texture. affirm that you are "planting" your commitment in solid earth.

following the instructions on the packet, sow seeds-if possible with a waxing moon. if tthis is for a relationship, why nnot sow them in a heart shape? place the seeds somewhere dark to germinate and tend them carefully. relight the candle whenever you need a reminder. 

if the seeds don't grow? this shows you need more conviction. just try again-once more, with FEELING!

well, that's  it. 

anyway, i fell yesterday. i made a scar on my left knee, it hurts, it still does, but i feel grate. i don't even remember when was my last bobo. I FEEL ALIVE.. cause just so you know, i am getting fater everyday. i don't play basket ball everyday again, even tennis. i'm becoming a lazy person.
but all of this HAS TO STOP.

i have to find my way BACK TO THE WAY I WAS..